Welcome to the Divorce “QuickStart” Guide
If you have ever bought a piece of electronics you know they always have that folded piece of paper with all the pictures that tells you how to turn it on and get started. That is what this page is for.
There is a lot to think about before you get going down the path of divorce and below are the four steps to get off on the right foot.
Step 1 - Learn the Basics
read Info on this website
If you go to the mediation and info center tabs we have almost everything there you need to get up to speed on divorce and mediation.
get our helpful guides
We also have guides for you on our “Info Center” page.
“The Financially Smart Divorce” - a best selling book on everything related to money in divorce. You can download a PDF right from this site.
“The Financially Smart Divorce Planner” - A “divorce kit” that has all the checklists and info you need.
“How to Get Divorced” guides- How the divorce system works in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
Secrets to Mediation Success” - What you need to know to be successful in mediation.
Step 2. Get Organized
A quick story…Susan walked into the lawyer’s office for her initial consultation and the questioning began.
“What is your net worth? How much debt do you have? What will you spend each month? What do you have in retirement? What is your house worth? How big is the mortgage? What is your take home pay, what is your spouse’s? “
Nothing can happen until you get together all of the details of your finances
how to get started
Download the “Financially Smart Divorce Planner” print out the financial document checklist on page 12.
Get the data sheets from the client info section.
We also have an online financial organizer you can use to plug your data and get the your financial info all buttoned up for your lawyer or mediator. More on this in a moment.
Step 3. Set Your Priorities
Back to Susan…The lawyer continued…
“What’s the biggest financial issue you face? Can you afford the house? Will you need alimony to make ends meet (or) can you afford to pay alimony? What is most important to you? What kind of living arrangement do you want for your children?
A lot of people…so many…expect that their lawyer or the mediator will answer these questions for them. It is really up to you.
how to get started
Go to the “Financially Smart Divorce Planner” and look through the preparation section to define your personal priorities. Click here to go there.
Analyze your financial data.
Calculate your monthly cash flow based on your expected income and living expenses. Are you saving each month?
What is the biggest financial hurdle to overcome?
What will it take to be financially secure?
How might things look five years from now for you…for your ex-spouse?
Is there a big difference in your future lifestyles?
Look over the parenting plan checklists in the mediation section of the planner and decide what you will want to include in your co-parenting agreement.
Step 4. Meet with a Lawyer or Mediator
Go to the “Financially Smart Divorce Planner” and read the section on questions to ask a mediator, how mediation works, and how mediation compares with other ways of getting divorced.
Need Help in Getting Ready?
We can help you get you the answers you need; deciding if mediation is right for you, getting your financial life organized and assessed, or strategizing. We do not charge for initial consultations
Consider our financial prep service
Information is entered online where it is organized into a set of clear, easy to understand reports. And we give you a personal assessment so you know where you need to put your focus and attention.
For about what you would pay for one hour of a divorce lawyer’s time you will get the insights and answers you need to move forward confidently. It can save you time, money, and a lot of stress.
““Thanks you for your help. You provided more information and insights in the last 24 hours than my attorney has given me in the last 6 weeks!”
Financial Coaching and Analysis Client – Beth J.”