Typical Clients

Regardless of your stage in life or the length of your marriage our mediation and planning services can help you move forward.

Families with Children

You want to make sure your children’s needs are addressed while making sure you make smart financial decisions.

Living arrangements, dealing with important child rearing decisions all need to be worked through…all while figuring out how to set the stage for a secure financial future.


Later in Life Divorces

If you have many years of work under your belt you need to be extra careful to make well thought out financial decisions. There is less time before your retirement years and a wrong decision can put your retirement years in jeopardy.

You will benefit by the financial projections we create to show you how every option you consider will affect you years from now.

Executives & Business Owners

You want to strike a balance between making sure your career and business stay on track while doing what is right for your family. You need guidance and answers.

Complex assets like pensions, deferred compensation, stock options, and the like need careful treatment. And you want to make sure the business is protected as best as possible from the negative impact of a divorce.


Couples With Complex Finances

During your career you earned a pension, bought a rental property or a vacation home. Or perhaps you have executive compensation like stock options or deferred compensation or a complex estate.

Regardless, your finances are not simple and you need a financial expert to help you analyze your options as you mediate or work with an attorney.

getting started is easy and confidential

Send an email to wentworthplanning@gmail.com, call or text 401 533-4142 or click below